
Early Years and 11 plus students are joining Tuition Centers?

Early Years and 11 Plus Students are Joining Tuition Centers

What is one thing that no one can take away from you? Whilst you can lose jobs, friends, and possessions, one thing that no one can take away from you and that can put you in a future pool for success is your education. In this article, we will show you why early years and 11-plus students are joining tuition centers.

Today’s Education System

Education in today’s internet age has been redefined and can mean many things. The school was once: look forward at the teacher and learn. Now, knowledge of everything that has ever existed is on your smartphone or laptop. However, the education system across the globe is still grappling with pen and paper. The formal learning of Maths, English, and Science that prepares you for exams – is what you need for professional success. Even if Google can tell you the answer, or ‘typing is faster plus there’s spellcheck’ (the universal complaint of teenagers) a child must still be able to know it and repeat it in an exam. Unfair as it may be, as some of the brightest and most innovative minds are not always academically strong until the education system adapts, success in exams is a prerequisite for so many professional jobs.

Today’s Situation

However, that is just the beginning of the story. To compete in today’s world,  attaining a ‘good education’ has a nuanced and complex meaning. An early year student’s ability to speak well, show mastery in a sport or with an instrument and enjoy interpersonal success can all be an integral part of having a well-balanced and rounded education. Academics are no longer enough. By the time they are at university, they will be meeting peers who have volunteered abroad, won awards for their musical talent, and achieved success with online businesses and blogs… the internet has truly opened up talent to an audience so vast that the pressure on a child to get their voice heard in this world is crushing. Still, marks and grades can still provide a solid foundation.

Why Early Years and 11 Plus Students are Joining Tuition Centres

So who should carry out the basic ‘education’ of a child? The trend seems to be that school isn’t enough. Recent reports from the teaching profession tell a tale of overworked, exhausted teachers who are leaving the profession in droves. They are consumed with a workload that, they lament, does not allow them enough time to give individual attention to each child. Instead, children are shifted from year group to year group, carried higher through the education system on a conveyor belt of tick boxes: phonics tests and SATS tests designed to check the teachers ARE teaching the correct curriculum, rather than stretching and challenging the children.

Whilst changes to the curriculum in recent years, for example, the inclusion of ‘reasoning’ questions, attempt to move on from the traditional model of regurgitating knowledge, there is still a lack of provision for the individual within the school system.

Parents’ Role

So where is the parents’ role? Within the family, recent years have seen a change in traditional family dynamics. Whereas traditionally a child would go to school, Mum would pick them up and Dad would work, so often both parents are often working. Within their busy timetable, they are taking the children to after-school clubs, and playdates, and hiring tutors. Pressure on parents to give their children an all-singing, all-dancing childhood whilst juggling their own work goals and personal life can be overwhelming.

Tuition Centres Role

So where does tuition play a role? Tuition can be beneficial for so many reasons. The obvious reason is that the child will have gaps filled that are not always being able to be accommodated at school – personalized learning can help them keep up with the class if they’ve been left behind or propel them forward if they are not being sufficiently challenged. However, the expense, along with the fact that children are already exhausted from school, can make it a difficult option, not to mention that finding a tutor that teaches well and your child gets along with can take time, effort, and struggle.

Enter a tuition center. What do you see? A group of children sat around like factory workers, huddled around worksheets, filling out information? A dull, boring place with grey walls and peeling alphabet stickers on the wall, a ‘squeeze as many as you can in’ business model, miserable staff that are always leaving but at a small cost? An alternative if you can’t afford private tutoring but your child pays the cost?

How the Tuition Centres Help the Students

Scratch that image. The tuition centers in the UK are evolving. At least, we have. We know how busy you are. We know that YOU know, your child is bright but that you simply don’t have time to make them sit down and work (and they may not listen to you anyway). The 11 plus exam requires dedication and commitment. Yes, so many parents despise the system and the fact that, of they ignore the 11 plus, their child may not get into a good school. It seems unfair. 11 Plus tuition helps the students to prepare for the 11 plus students.

But what if your children loved coming to their tuition? What if there were qualified teachers who really knew them and strive to understand them. What are their gaps but also, where are their mental blocks? What is making them anxious, and where are their struggles? A good tutor will support your child with their emotional health and well-being not just their academics. What if tuition was a safe space to see your friends, with teachers who encourage and cultivate friendships? This is the utopian ideal and this is what we strive to offer. The happiness of each child is paramount.

Parents who are ambitious for their children will always find ways to get their children ahead academically. Some start early, from Early Years Courses so the child can get into the best schools, and some come later to prepare for the 11 plus. The competition will always be strong, however, with mental health issues rife in young teenagers, let’s not forget the happiness of our children. Let’s make the journey to success fun… and take some of the pressure of ourselves, by outsourcing education, while we do it.

I hope you can now understand why early years and 11 plus students are joining tuition centers.

Mustafa Nazmus Sakib
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